[Icecast] Re: Live audio streaming from internet

Andrei andrei at servex.ro
Tue Aug 31 18:22:49 UTC 2004

I installed icecast ver.1.3.12 and i used the "alias" function(i set only to 
"alias radioname http://radiohost:port"
In client's player,at the url,i typed: http://myserverip:myport/radioname"
That's all(of course,i modified other parameters that suits my network 
configuration,but all of this is well documented into config file).
Into config file,it says(it's more on alias section):
"In icecast servers prior to the 1.3 release, you could run a icecast
server as a relay for another icecast server, simply acting as a
client on the other server and serving the local clients
In icecast 1.3.0 and above, we make this procedure much simpler.
If you want to relay a stream from another server, simply add an
alias for that server.";exactly what i need.
I guess it is also possible with icecast v2,and with other streaming servers 
that know how to relay.

On Tuesday 31 August 2004 17:50, you wrote:
> Andrei wrote:
> > I've succeeded with icecast's relay option.Thank you anyway.
> > Have a nice day.
> Please post what you did to succeed with this.
> Dave

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