[icecast] choppy stream

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Mon Oct 27 01:41:39 UTC 2003

On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 23:12, dave wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting this issue. I just got my first
> stream going with help from various web sites. I'm running a 400 mhz p2 with
> 192 mb of ram, it's a redhat9 box and all the compiles/installs went
> perfectly with a few warnings, noted below. I'm running, all of this via
> cvs, ices2, icecast2, libshout, and probably more that i am forgetting. The
> server is responding on port 8000 and i got ices to connect. After i
> converted some mp3's to ogg files, made a playlist, and pointed the streamer
> configuration file right at it, it started playing. I'm on a 100 megabitt
> network, with a switch also 100 megabitt. I'm connecting from a win2k
> machine, using winamp 2.80, i open the location:
> http://servername.domain:8000/example1.ogg
> wait a few seconds and i get output. Then after about twenty seconds or so
> of broadcasting, it pauses for about 5 or so seconds, then resumes. Any
> suggestions on this issue?

check to see if the CPU is saturated, one cause of higher CPU usage wrt
ices2 is if it uses the managed mode nominal bitrate encoder setting,
try changing it to use the quality tags instead.


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