Fw: [icecast] Some Question

Remco B. Brink remco at rc6.org
Mon Nov 10 14:32:29 UTC 2003

<quote who="Rádio IRCBrasil - Andre Marcelo">

> I have a Rádio In Brasil that is running in shoutcast, and i am thinking to
> migrate it to icecast.
> What is the best version of icecast? 1 or 2? 

Icecast 2

> The version 2 is stable for more than 100 listeners? 

Yes, I have had no problems running a 100 user relay on a Pentium 3.

> Is icecast better than shoutcast? why?

I find Icecast2 more configurable, it supports multiple mountpoints, has a
smaller memory footprint and hasn't yet crashed on me.
> Can i streming for windows media too? or just for winamp? 

Winamp is not an audio format.

Icecast2 can stream OGG and MP3, both of which are playable by most media
players available now.


       Remco B. Brink -- IS Developer / CDTT -- Opera Software ASA
   Personal site at http://rc6.org - PGP key at http://rc6.org/rbb.pgp

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry."
-- Chekhov
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