[icecast] Directory listing disappeared

Geoff Shang gshang at uq.net.au
Sat Mar 22 15:04:49 UTC 2003

On 22 Mar 2003, Karl Heyes wrote:

> ethereal is a good tool for that, start a capture (maybe with a capture
> filter of "port <port>" or "host <ip>" to limit it if the box has plenty
> of traffic), connect the source, wait a second then stop the capture.
> Pick one of the packets that relates to the source stream and do
> tools->follow tcp stream.

uh... I had significant issues following what you typed above, until Kirk
pointed out to me that ethereal was an X11 application.  The X environment
is, at least for now anyway, pretty much inaccessible to blind people, so I
had to make use of something else.

fortunately, setting up netcat on the icecast port worked beautifully.

Here's what the latest ices sent:

SOURCE /egoplay64.ogg HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic c291cmNlOmF1ZGlv
ice-name: Kirk's Egoplay
ice-genre: all genres
ice-audio-info: samplerate=44100;channels=2;quality=0%2e00
ice-public: 0
ice-description: An eclectic mix of ogg's from Kirk's vast collection
User-Agent: IceS 2.0beta2
Content-Type: application/ogg

The older version that works sent the following:

SOURCE /egoplay64.ogg HTTP/1.0
ice-name: Kirk's Egoplay
ice-genre: all genres
ice-bitrate: 0
ice-public: 0
ice-description: An eclectic mix of ogg's from Kirk's vast collection
User-Agent: IceS 2.0beta2
Content-Type: application/x-ogg

I confirmed that the old one works and the new one doesn't.  this isn't
application/x-ogg causing trouble again?  Or something else?  I notice
there's no auth stuff on the old one.  hmmm.


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