[icecast] OGG streaming and Icecast2

Michael Smith msmith at xiph.org
Sat Mar 15 02:23:40 UTC 2003

On Saturday 15 March 2003 07:16, Brandon wrote:
> Hi All,
> I recently just took the time to play with the OGG format and compare it to
> mp3..and my conclusion is:
> Where can I learn about writing a source for Icecast2? I written sources
> for Shoutcast..that was pretty straight forward..rip through an mp3 file
> and send the bytes to shoutcast at specific intervals. OGG is VBR...so I'm
> having trouble wrappign my head around how I shoudl go about streaming
> bytes to Icecast2..
> where can I learn more?
> I see the documentaiton on xiph.org, but I guess I'm looking for more of a
> tutorial...is there one?

Ogg has absolute positioning information in the page headers. Using that along 
with the vorbis header (for sample rates, etc.) is enough to let you figure 
out how fast to send the data.

The easier approach, however, is to use libshout to do this - libshout is just 
a simple layer that does two major things: rate control (what you were asking 
about) and login (and related bits like authentication).

It's pretty easy to use.


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