[icecast] Call for testing: libshout 2.0 beta 3

Brendan Cully brendan at xiph.org
Mon Jul 7 23:53:07 UTC 2003

Hi all,

I've just released beta 3 of libshout 2.0, the icecast 2-compatible
streaming library.


Libshout 2.0 adds support for icecast 2, Ogg streaming, and IPv6, as
well as bug fixes relative to libshout 1. Ogg and Vorbis are now

Changes since beta 2:
* Libshout exported many symbols it shouldn't have. This is fixed.
* More anonymous autoconf code.
* Builds on Irix (much thanks to Jared Jennings for his assistance

Please build and test it on as many platforms as possible. Unless we
hear of problems, the next release will be the official 2.0
release. There are no known issues, but it has only been tested on a
few platforms (recent linux, solaris, freebsd, OS X and Irix

Big thanks to the three people that provided feedback on the last
beta (especially Jared). Any feedback on this release will be very
warmly received.

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