[icecast] relay servers and mountpoints

Adon Irani adon at YorkU.CA
Fri Jan 24 05:37:13 UTC 2003

> He needs both. Only ices 0.x from CVS can use libshout2 from CVS.
> Actually only the ices-libshout_2 branch of ices does.
> The ices 0.x module lives under
> :pserver:anoncvs at xiph.org:/cvs/ice

 He says thank-you kindLy, and ponders why (t)HiS attempt has also failed

mystifLY:/var/lib/cvs# cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at xiph.org:/cvs/ice login
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at xiph.org:2401/cvs/ice
CVS password: [tried : : anoncvs ; and, blank-just press enter]
Fatal error, aborting.
anoncvs: no such user  [ <- i don't get this error w/ /usr/local/cvsroot
repository ]

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