[icecast] Impossible to connect to ANY yp server

Marco Alanen marco at ormgas.com
Sun Feb 9 13:57:00 UTC 2003


I'm having problems announcing my stream on any yp server, using 
Icecast v1.3.12 compiled with the optimization support.. I have
tried every directory server I could find, but I still get the same 
When I start icecast with an yp server available, I get this:

[09/Feb/2003:14:52:47] Using xaudiocast directory server

.. and then I don't get back to the console and Icecast starts
eating up all CPU power it can get. I don't get anything in the
logs either.
The stream works perfectly when I'm not using any directory servers.

I'm behind a firewall, but I've forwarded port 8000 and 8001 to the 
correct computer. Is there anything else I should do?
The server is located at http://ormgas.com:8000

Here is my icecast.conf:

  location FPC, Sweden
  rp_email marco at ormgas.com
  server_url http://oc.ormgas.com

  max_clients 40
  max_clients_per_source 40 
  max_sources 2
  max_admins 3
  throttle 0.5
  use_meta_data 1
  streamurllock 0
  streamtitletemplate %s
  streamurl http://yp.icecast.org
  nametemplate %s
  desctemplate %s

  mount_fallback 1

  encoder_password ....
  admin_password ....
  oper_password ....
  http_admin 1

  #icydir www.oddsock.org
  #icydir yp.shoutcast.com
  #icydir yp.breakfree.com
  #icydir yp.musicseek.net
  #icydir yp.van-pelt.com
  #icydir yp.radiostation.de
  #directory www.oddsock.org:80/cgi-bin/yp-cgi
  directory yp.icecast.org
  #directory yp.mp3.de
  #directory yp.dmzs.com
  #directory icecast.linuxpower.org
  touch_freq 5

  hostname ormgas.com
  port 8000
  port 8001
  server_name ormgas.com
  force_servername 1

  logfile icecast.log
  accessfile access.log
  usagefile usage.log
  logfiledebuglevel 0
  consoledebuglevel 0
  console_mode 3
  client_timeout 30
  kick_clients 0
  staticdir /usr/share/icecast/static
  templatedir /usr/share/icecast/templates

  logdir /var/log/icecast
  stats_log stats.log
  statshtml_log stats.html
  stats_time 60

  kick_relays 10

  transparent_proxy 0

  acl_policy 0
  allow all 126.1.120.*
  allow all
  allow client *

<p>--- >8 ----
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