[icecast] Two sources on one mountpoint?

Karel Alvarez karelium at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 5 18:17:33 UTC 2003

also, you can try two more things:

1- make the mix by hardware:  a very simple mix console can do that.
you can build it starting from resistors and capacitors. You can find a
lot of such circuits in google.

2- mixing by soft: I can't tell you right now which soft can do that,
but may be you find someone.


--- Geoff Shang <gshang at uq.net.au> wrote:
> Hi:
> Since all the audio sources will need to end up in the same data
> stream,
> you'll need something that will decode the streams at some central
> point,
> re-encode the mix and send it on.  I guess that, in theory, it'd be
> possible to have more than one vorbis stream in a single ogg
> bitstream that
> was composited at the server, but I don't know all the technical
> issues,
> it's not possible yet, and if it were, there's no players that would
> be
> able to play it yet either.
> Geoff.

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