[icecast] wow

David Hughes david at oldcolo.com
Sat Oct 5 06:39:06 UTC 2002

Sorry to ask, but where can I find icecast2 and vorbis?

<p>www.icecast.org only talks about icecast, not icecast2.

Where an one find the apps/tools for the latest-greatest?

Tx in advance.


david at oldcolo.com

<p>-----Original Message-----
From: owner-icecast at xiph.org [mailto:owner-icecast at xiph.org]On Behalf Of
steve j. kondik
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 7:58 PM
To: icecast at xiph.org
Subject: [icecast] wow

massive props to the vorbis and icecast2 people..  this is truely
impressive stuff guys.  we're going live with pure icecast2/vorbis
monday.  its scary that 56K vorbis sounds almost as good as 128K mp3.
this is a lifesaver as our isp is about to pull the plug for excessive
bandwidth usage :>

http://chemlab.org  -  email shade-pgpkey at chemlab.org for pgp public key
  chemlab radio!    -  drop out @ http://mp3.chemlab.org:8000   24-7-365

"i could build anything if i could just find my tools.."

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