[icecast] Re [ogg]

Raymond rsteding at tecwise.com
Sun Nov 10 10:13:18 UTC 2002

I get the following message:
configure: error: xslt-config could not be found

When I did the cvs it stopped at:
U timing/timing.h

Should I have waited for a like really long time for something to update 
during the cvs download?

Also I assume:

cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at xiph.org:/usr/local/cvsroot -z 9 co icecast

is the icecast2 server?

Thanks for your help. Maybe I need something installed before I can 
install icecast2.


<p>Richard wrote:

>Yes the documentation is pretty spare but in answer to your question -
>yes icecast will stream ogg. Download icecast2 and ices2 (the
>streamer) and off you go!
>See -- the guide on www.xiph.org/cvs.html
>My personal notes:
>cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at xiph.org:/usr/local/cvsroot login
>type pass>>anoncvs
>cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at xiph.org:/usr/local/cvsroot -z 9 co icecast 
>(or ogg or ices)
>cd icecast (or ogg or ices)
>make install
># use gmake on *BSD
>On Sat, 09 Nov 2002 22:02:02 -0800
>Raymond <rsteding at tecwise.com> wrote:
>>I went to the archives of xiph and searched for ogg. I read through 
>>about a hundred messages that are archived and still can't tell
>>whether icecast will stream ogg. Does anyone know what streaming
>>server I should set up to stream ogg/vorbis format (on a Linux OS)?
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