[icecast] IceS 2 - scripted playlist

Leo Currie aeu01322 at strath.ac.uk
Thu Nov 7 19:12:58 UTC 2002

Hi -
Sorry if this has been answered - i've been away from this list for a few
Just got IceS 2 and Icecast 2 setup and running :)
Looking at the sample ices-playlist.xml, it seems only the basic playlist
type is implemented. Looking at the source, however, (and this is a bad
idea I'm sure, because I am a novice programmer:) there seems to be some
reference to a scripted playlist. 
If there is indeed some support (however limited) can anyone give
hints/tips for making it do something?

Specifically, can I write a Perl script to generate the 'next' file I want
Ices2 to play?



<p><p><p>--- >8 ----
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