[icecast] Win32 streamer?

Moritz Grimm gtgbr at gmx.net
Sun Mar 17 20:41:52 UTC 2002

John Watson wrote:
>         <directory>
>                 <touch-freq>5</touch-freq>
>                 <server>
>                         <host>yp.icecast.org</host>
>                         <touch-freq>15</touch-freq>
>                 </server>
>         </directory>

> Thats all that came from the CVS site (conf/icecast.xml).  No instructions or anything.  I recognize

Aww, c'mon, can't it be any more obvious than that? Just read what it
sais. To prevent it from updating directory servers, comment the lines i
pasted by putting "#"s (w/o quotes) in the beginning. Alter the rest
according to your needs.


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