[icecast] icecast2 sources

Moritz Grimm gtgbr at gmx.net
Tue Jan 15 14:09:55 UTC 2002

adam wrote:
> have the icecast 2 sources moved? does anyone know the current download
> url?

There's no direct URL to the sources, you have to fetch them from CVS.
Look at http://www.xiph.org/cvs.html for further information and read
the file HACKING in the icecast module about further helper lib you need
to download and how to build the thing.

There will be an alpha release of Icecast2 soon, but there's really no
reason to wait and not getting it from CVS.


"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
deserve   neither   liberty   or   security"  -  Benjamin   Franklin

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