[icecast] CPU Utilization Weirdness

Gary Major gr_major at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 5 13:44:12 UTC 2002

Did some more experimenting last night. When I changed icecast and ices back
to 'daemon mode' they lasted for about 5 songs, before tanking. I then tried
combinations of icecast as a daemon and ices not, and vice versa - same
results. Even recompiled without any mods to icecast.

The only thing that seems to work is starting the processes and piping them
to null. The only disadvantage to that is that icecast sucks all available
CPU although it seems to release its hold on the CPU when I start other

Interesting to note, that this same configuration ran perfectly on RH 6.2
with the default 2.2.x kernel. I have read about different peoples
challenges with the default kernal that shipped with RH 7.1 so I will try to
hack the recent 2.4.x kernel over the weekend and see what happens. Other
alternative is to dedicate a machine to task running RH 6.2 but I don't
really want to do that if I can at all avoid it.

For the record,  I am running 2 streams - different mount points but both
using both the same port (8000). I am using the conf file for iceast, but am
using command line parms for ices.

Anyone have any other thoughts?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Woodson" <mwoodson at bacxs.com>
To: <icecast at xiph.org>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [icecast] CPU Utilization Weirdness

<p>> At 05:19 PM 2/4/2002 -0500, Gary Major wrote:
> >Using Icecast 1.3.11 and Ices 0.2.2. Have compiled Ices with the optimize
> >flags defined. Using PII 266 - 160MB, RH 7.1 with default kernel (2.4.7 i
> >think)
> >
> >Situation that I have is interesting:
> Odd, I have them both running as background processes together with no
> problem (then though I'm running FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE).  And I didn't
> with optimize flags.  CPU utilization did hover around 40%, but that was
> when I had it reencoding to a lower bitrate (320 to 190).  PIII 450,
> -Mark
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