[icecast] icecast 1.3.9

Michael Faurot mfaurot at atww.org
Mon Mar 12 04:41:35 UTC 2001

Alexander Newald <alexander at newald.de> wrote:

: Compiling went fine, but execution is a problem:
: --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
: +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
: I used the config files of the previos version
: Some hints...

Same situation here (also used previous configuration file from
v1.3.8beta).  RedHat v6.X, kernel 2.2.17 (with RedHat's patches).

 Michael | mfaurot  | Earth Destroyed by Solar Flare -- film clips at eleven.
 Faurot  | atww.net | 

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