[icecast] icecast 2

dj66 route66 at machineandsoul.com
Sun Mar 11 18:08:04 UTC 2001

> I tried to install icecast 2 in beta version on a debian.
> Installation was ok but when i launch icecast, it shows on output the
> configuration file in xml and exit with error.
> Is it a problem with my xml parser (libxml2) or with icecast ?
> Somebody did ever install icecast ? can he tell me which configuration his

I run a debian system and had the same problem, and I'm positive I have the
libxml libraries installed.  I probably forgot to compile icecast with
libxml, though.

You can just use the command prompt.

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mailto:rookd at msoe.edu             http://dj66.machineandsoul.com
    internet/college radio - http://www.machineandsoul.com

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