[icecast] [thomas at arkena.com: [vorbis] mp3pro and the mp3 streaming license]

Thomas Kirk thomas at arkena.com
Sun Jun 10 20:20:28 UTC 2001

On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 09:52:18AM -0600, Jack Moffitt wrote:

> You should post this hear, as it's just as relevant ;)

You are right jack im sorry :)

> Hey guys, how do you feel now that you all owe Thompson $2k per year?
> Vorbis look more interesting now :)

Indeed it does and im on my way makeing a plan of implementation
for our radiostations!
Long live Ogg Vorbis! ;-)

> It's really disgusting how the technology is now worth more than the
> music.

Again true! Allthough im working in the technologybuisness ;-) I think
one could say it has to be fair to all parts.

Venlig hilsen/Kind regards
Thomas Kirk
thomas at arkena.com

I worked in a health food store once.  A guy came in and asked me,
"If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet?"
		-- Steven Wright

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