[icecast] [thomas at arkena.com: [vorbis] mp3pro and the mp3 streaming license]

Jack Moffitt jack at icecast.org
Sat Jun 9 19:28:57 UTC 2001

> I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not charging anything.  As 
> mentioned, the royalties to record labels still stand if you don't follow 
> the rules, but this will be true regardless of the format 
> (mp3/vorbis/whatever.)

Do you have any ads on your site?  That's probably streaming related

Do you list on shoutcast.com?  There's definately stremaing related
revenue there.

Do you broadcast through live365?  DEFINATELY streaming related revenue.

Maybe you won't have to pay, but someone is going to eat 2% in most


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