[Icecast-dev] Dynamic Mount Points in Ices2

Philipp Schafft phschafft at de.loewenfelsen.net
Sun Oct 2 17:18:09 UTC 2022

Good afternoon,

On Sun, 2022-10-02 at 17:09 +0000, Jen Kutler wrote:
> Hi, I hope everyone here is doing well. I wanted to see if anyone had
> any advice on creating a new mountpoint from the command line with
> ices2. I read what I now realize to probably be depricated
> documentation that I could use the -m flag to specify the mountpoint
> but this feature doesn't seem to be recognized anymore. I know there
> is probably a simple solution but I haven't been able to find it. Any
> thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> Jen

IceS 2.x doesn't have any command line options. So that observation is
right. So also a bit wondering what you're reading.

You can use different config files, you could try and experiment with
reading the config from stdin.

Depending on your usecase you may also want to have a look at shout(1)
or the older oggfwd(1). Both support passing all parameters via command

With best regards,

Philipp Schafft (CEO/Geschäftsführer) 
Telephon:  +49.3535 490 17 92
Website:   https://www.loewenfelsen.net/
Follow us: https://www.linkedin.com/company/loewenfelsen/

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