[Icecast-dev] linux distribution

Jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Fri Dec 30 10:26:28 UTC 2016

hi Yaniv,

On Fri, 30 Dec 2016, Yaniv Sharon wrote:
>    Can someone recommend me about linux disrebution?
>    1. the server is for icecast only
>    2. cli
>    3. most lightweight and performance

at Dyne.org we develop and use http://Devuan.org on our servers

Devuan is very lightweight compared to all other distributions because
it doesn't adopts the systemd stack. You can also run it without
dbus. Still, in Devuan there are all packages found in Debian, so
installing and running Icecast2 is very straightforward. Also
compiling it from source with patches you may need.
Old /etc/init.d sysvlinux scripts to start stop work as usual.

a minimal image of Devuan for console use (server etc.) can run in
approx 64MB or RAM. To try it out quick you can also use Vagrant or
the "minimal live iso": http://kalos.mine.nu (soon to be official)


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil    http://Dyne.org think &do tank
    "+.   CTO and co-founder      free/open source developers
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