[Icecast-dev] why HLS/DASH are problematic in an Icecast context

Daniel James daniel.james at sourcefabric.org
Fri Feb 20 07:25:03 PST 2015

Hi Thomas,
> Let's start with HLS:
> - It's not a standard. It's current status is that it's an *expired*
> draft[1].

Does that suggest a lack of interest in an open standard? The expired
doc says:

The ID3 PRIV owner identifier MUST be

Proposed mimetype:

   Type name: "application"

   Subtype name: "vnd.apple.mpegurl"

Maybe they never intended anyone other than Apple to use it :-)

> - It requires formats that are not well supported by Icecast:
>    "Each media segment MUST be formatted as an MPEG-2 Transport Stream
>    [ISO_13818], an MPEG audio elementary stream [ISO_11172], or a WebVTT
>    [WebVTT] file."

I don't understand why this has to be so limited, because the basic
idea, as I understand it, is to extend the .m3u playlist format so that
stream listeners can automatically choose alternative sources for the
same content. That could be implemented in a codec-agnostic way.



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