[Icecast-dev] Google Summer Of Code

"Thomas B. Rücker" thomas at ruecker.fi
Mon Apr 6 05:24:24 PDT 2015


On 04/06/2015 12:08 PM, ahmed shams wrote:
> I am First Time In Google Summer Of Code but i dont know that i must
> Choose Organization so i missed it 
> i upload my CV with all requirements before so if i can join you in
> Google Summer Of Code 
> then i am very thankful

I'm sorry, but Google is very strict about this. Even if Xiph.org would
want to, Google wouldn't allow us. If you did not submit an application
before the deadline, then Google will not allow you to participate this
year. There is sadly nothing to be done about that.

We here at Xiph.org and the Icecast project will be happy to consider
your application next year. (If GSoC 2016 happens and if Xiph.org will
be a participating organization)

We encourage you to get involved with the open source community, and
specifically the Icecast project now. Not only are there valuable
experiences, but also it weighs a lot in case of a later GSoC application.


Thomas B. Rücker
Icecast maintainer

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