[Icecast-dev] Icecast 2.4 beta5 release

v_2e at ukr.net v_2e at ukr.net
Fri Mar 7 12:32:15 PST 2014


On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 19:20:03 +0000
"Thomas B. Rücker" <thomas at ruecker.fi> wrote:
> . . .
> We've spent considerable time looking for memory leaks using Valgrind.
> While no tool is perfect, we believe that we've found all leaks
> related to source connections. All other memory activity is likely
> related to buffers and should plateau according to settings.
  I tested the new version against the memory leakage observed earlier,
and did not notice any. It looks like you've fixed them all! :)
Here is a screenshot analogous to the previous ones:

  Thank you for your work on this issue!


 <v_2e at ukr.net>

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