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Thu Apr 11 16:32:37 PDT 2013

MediaPlayer if it does?
What are other technical requirements to run a MP3 IceCast 2.3.2+ stream on
Android MediaPlayer?
All possible reasons of 404 errors in mid-play (Android MediaPlayer,
Windows 7 Firefox, Yandex Browser)?

Konstantin Smirnov

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<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hello.<br></div>What is the official info about IceCast Android MediaPlayer support?<br></div>From which version of Android IceCast 2.3.2-kh29 supports Android MediaPlayer if it does?<br>
</div>What are other technical requirements to run a MP3 IceCast 2.3.2+ stream on Android MediaPlayer?<br></div>All possible reasons of 404 errors in mid-play (Android MediaPlayer, Windows 7 Firefox, Yandex Browser)?<br><br>
</div>Thanks<br>Konstantin Smirnov<br></div>


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