[Icecast-dev] Krad Cam Alpha Test Release

Ralph Giles giles at thaumas.net
Wed Feb 8 15:08:24 PST 2012

On 8 February 2012 13:19, Krad Radio <kradradio at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://github.com/krad-radio/krad_ebml_experimental

I've also been experimenting with using gstreamer as a source client
for the patched icecast.

If you build gst-plugins-good from git master as of today (commit
8b2ca70124d9) against libshout-2.3.0
you can feed icecast with a pipeline like:

gst-launch v4l2src ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=360 ! videorate
force-fps=24/1 ! queue ! vp8enc bitrate=700000 ! webmmux
streamable=true name =mux ! queue ! shout2send mount=cam.webm
ip=deimos.kradradio.com port=8080 password=secretkode pulsesrc ! queue
! vorbisenc ! mux.

This works for a few minutes sending to my local icecast, then
playback hangs with a corrupt stream. It doesn't work at all sending
to a remote icecast, like Krad's above.


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