[Icecast-dev] Icecast2yp updates / testing

Chris Flecknell cflecknell at systemrage.org
Thu Jan 20 13:40:43 PST 2005

I've been in playing with the icecast2yp code a little, besides getting in
on one of the next meetings about it all.  

I'm just looking to have a few of you out there add some of your servers to
use the in-progress one I have going here.


Depending on my upcoming workload, hopefully I can put in some time to beef
it up some, and possibly add some new functionality all around.

For now, some additional hits to it would be a great help so a variety of
sources can be tested on it. If you do decide to add the yp, let me now if
you happen to see anything odd/bad in your logs.

P.S. For the actual yp listing (for now): http://yp.systemrage.org

Chris Flecknell
cflecknell at systemrage.org

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