[Icecast-dev] Modified slave behavior?

Karl Heyes karl
Fri Jul 23 10:08:16 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 17:36, Dave Pascoe wrote:
> With multiple relay slaves and a growing list of streams, I am looking
> for ways to conserve bandwidth.  The current behavior has each relay
> slave "pulling" each stream from the master server.  Is anyone working
> on offering a modification to this behavior where the relay slaves will
> only pull the stream from the master as needed?  So the slave would
> always be aware of the streams' availability, but would only pull the
> stream if it needs to.

The only way at the moment is to use my icecast tree, via

SVN at svn.xiph.org/icecast/branches/kh/icecast
src at http://mediacast1.com/~karl/icecast-2.0-kh48.tar.gz

and define <on-demand>1</on-demand> in each <relay> section.

With a few changes it could apply globally to all relays so that it
would apply to relays defined by the master server.


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