[icecast-dev] Icecast2 Web Admin Improvments

Michael Smith msmith at xiph.org
Sun Feb 22 16:53:07 PST 2004

On Friday 20 February 2004 20:35, Gilles Dartiguelongue wrote:
> I repost this as it seems that nobody have seen it.
> This comes from the [icecast-dev] Icecast2 Web Admin Interface thread.
> | I had a look and it seems that the generated xml data doesn't contain
> | this information.
> | Now, while I was planning to update my work, I was not able to link
> | the xslt to an external
> | css. I had a quick look at the sources but I felt bad quickly :). It
> | seems that requests other than
> | the specific file known from icecast are not satisfied. Can someone
> | confirm ?
> I add a question here. Would it be interessant to include the external
> linking stuff and the possibility to configure the server response to
> be independant of known files? I mean tell the server to generate a page
> with the name xxx.xml transformed by yyy.xsl linked to zzz.css and that
> contains management stuff X1,X2,X3. This means that we should add some
> configuration informations. (I hope it's clear enough.)

This isn't clear - what do you actually want? The current system gives you the 
ability to transform the stats using some arbitrary yyy.xsl - you don't get 
to choose the output name, but things like providing a link to a css file 
just work, there's no way to add explicit support for it, and no need to do 
so either.


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