[icecast-dev] plugins and portaudio in ices (was: ...but not only documentation).

Lee Azzarello lee at fallingforward.net
Mon Aug 4 09:50:09 PDT 2003

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Michael Smith wrote:

> I'm less sure about 'audiocompress'. Perhaps a general-purpose (possibly using
> LADSPA, or something else) audio-manipulation pipeline, to which
> AudioCompress could be one option?

Though it is very Linux specific, I would /highly/ recommend JACK, a
low-latency audio server that allows interapplication audio patching. I
use JACK for all routing on my desktop system at home and it's working

An example of a scenario:

input from the sound card is patched to jack-rack, which is hosting a
LADSPA plugin chain of EQ, compression and limiting. Then it's patched to
both ices and a peak meter to send the source to the server and visually
monitor the output signal.

JACK is very powerfull. http://jackit.sourceforge.net/

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