[foms] Proposal: adaptive streaming using open codecs

Steve Lhomme slhomme at matroska.org
Wed Nov 17 10:00:56 PST 2010

Can you explain what's a LSP extrapolation ? A quick google doesn't
give anything.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Timothy B. Terriberry
<tterriberry at mozilla.com> wrote:
>> sample at the switch point. You can either handle it with cross
>> fading, or having a dirty glitch. But users will not like the latter.
> As was discussed at FOMS itself, you don't actually need to cross-fade
> (in the sense of buffering extra data---the exact wrong thing to
> do---and having two decoders to decode overlapping sections of the two
> streams). You can smooth over the transition with simple LSP
> extrapolation and blending. Monty believes the result will be less
> noticeable than the fact that your audio stream just dropped in quality.
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