hi<br><br>I was wondering how many difference in % of cpu load (on same cpu) exists between compression level 1 and 8 while decoding. Also same question for encoding.<br>Is the difference in % of cpu load while decoding/encoding the reason different compression levels were created or another reason?
<br><br>thx<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.' <br>--Bjarne Stroustrup, The Creator of C++ <br><br>'And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire
<br>and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the<br>followers of Mammon cowered in horror.' --From The Book of Mozilla, 7:15