[Flac] flacc.exe verses ffmpeg compression

Michael D. Lawler mdlawler at lawlers.us
Thu Sep 15 12:19:42 UTC 2022

I'm trying to get the max compression for a 750 GB library and I 
don't care about how much CPU it takes to do it.  Before flac 1.40 I 
used ffmpeg as it generally provided better compression.  With 1.40 
flac provides better compression most of the time, but there are 
still some files that ffmpeg compresses better.  I've added the -p 
option wich helped for several files.  The parameters I'm using are:

flac -f -8 -p
ffmpeg -i inputfile -dn -sn -vn -c:a flac -ar 44100 -ac 2 
-compression_level 12 -y outputfile
 From what I can tell the only important parameter here is 
-compression_level 12.  I've tried the flac -e and -M and -r 8 
options with no improvement.  Are there any -A parameters I can 
try?  Any other ideas?

Michael D. Lawler
email mailto:mdlawler at lawlers.us

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