[Flac] Playing flac files from external hard drive

Avi Naim naimabra at ntlworld.com
Wed Jul 7 14:50:25 PDT 2010

Yes, I was toying with this idea too. However it means carrying around 
two big objects rather than just the disk and a small portable player. 
If I have no other alternative I will get an old laptop.



Christopher Brown wrote:
> I use an old laptop running linux. Works great, and it is a very inexpensive 
> solution. 
> On Wednesday 07 July 2010 13:00:28 ABRAHAM NAIM wrote:
>> Many thanks for this! I was looking for an inexpensive solution, and a
>> Nokia tablet is too expensive for me. I was hoping for a cheap mp3 player
>> with a USB connection, but thanks for the advice anyway.
>> On 7 July 2010 19:30, Ognjen Bezanov <Ognjen at mailshack.com> wrote:
>>> My nokia n810 does this. I have in fact done what you want and played
>>> FLAC files off my external 120GB drive using the "Canola" media player.
>>> You need an external source to power the disk though, because the n810
>>> doesn't provide enough power to run a hard disk.
>>> On 07/07/10 16:47, ABRAHAM NAIM wrote:
>>>> I have a 500GB external hard drive with a lot of music in flac format.
>>>> I would like to find a way to play music directly from the drive
>>>> through a portable player. I do not own a portable player at the moment
>>>> and intend to buy one that can support the above requirement.
>>>> What I don't want to do is copy files across and remove them every time
>>>> I want to listen to music.
>>>> Is there a way to play music directly from the external drive, using a
>>>> USB connection, on any portable player?

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