[Flac] FLAC plug-in for Adobe Audition

Gene Savage inbox at blacklightradio.com
Sun May 31 12:07:17 PDT 2009

Has anybody found the plug-in for Adobe Audition (formerly Cool Edit) 
decodes just fine, but doesn't seem to compress?

I've tried saving .wav files to the compressed FLAC format in Adobe Audition 
& they appear to be the same size as the uncompressed .wav.  The FLAC 
frontend works perfectly for me, & I can compress through Exact Audio Copy 
successfully...  just not in Audition.

Is the plug-in only designed for decoding, or is there a different plug-in I 
should try?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

Gene Savage
BlackLight Radio
Owasso, Oklahoma  USA

postmaster at blacklightradio.com
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