[Flac] cuepoints: accuracy, titles and players

porte64 at free.fr porte64 at free.fr
Mon Apr 20 10:07:58 PDT 2009


I managed to insert cuepoints from a cue sheet and
check them with metaflac. I witnessed that the FLAC
headers then had additionnals sections (one for cuepoints
and one for seekpoints), but i could not find documentation
how the format used to store them (frame counts for both ?).

Anyway it seems that cuepoints must be specified
in MM:SS:fr format.

It would be nice if those could be specified also
as frame counts (this alternate format is allowed
for seekpoints):

so how about extending --cue or --cuepoints to such formats.

frame counts provides high accuracy, and can be easily
computed from WAV files (sox) ... whereas MM:SS:fr
format is less accurate and "fr" is a wild parameter.

By the way, are you aware of any media player
which is aware of cuepoints ?

(one more remark: cuesheet TITLE info gets lost upon importing,
it might be interesting to preserve it so that it could
be displayed by players when one jumps to a new cuepoint).


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