[Flac] how to get flac fingerprint from a wav?

Brian Willoughby brianw at sounds.wa.com
Fri Feb 8 01:41:28 PST 2008

Great info.  I found some descriptions of st5 (md5 fp) and ffp, where  
I assume that "fp" is just a Taper abbreviation for "fingerprint" -  
or signature as it's called in the flac header.  However, I could not  
find these utilities or source code.  What I found looked like  
instructions for a gui-based program.  I think it would be easier to  
support Mac if st5 were available as an open source Unix command-line  
code, which would include Mac OS X.

I did a little research, and I am concerned that md5check computes an  
md5 signature for the entire wav file, not just the audio.  Thus it  
won't compare with the ffp.

Apparently, xACT allows you to create the st5 (shn md5) files.  But  
the original poster and I want a command-line solution to create an  
st5 for comparison against metaflac's report.  I think I have xACT,  
but I don't want to be grabbing the mouse and clicking dialogs when I  
want to check a whole directory of file signatures.

Any Tapers around?  Maybe someone can clarify this for us newcomers  
to st5.


On Feb 8, 2008, at 00:01, rappard at dds.nl wrote:
> I have a wav file and would like to see what the flac fingerprint  
> would be.
> To do this I run flac to encode the wav file and write the flac  
> file to the
> hard disk. I then run metaflac to read the flac file and display the
> fingerprint.
> Is there an existing way or other utility to do this without  
> generating the
> flac file on the hard disk. I would think it could be quicker and  
> save time
> without writing the flac file to the hard disk.
Can't you generate the st5 file for the wav file? If I recall  
correctly st5=ffp for flac files.

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