[Flac] Flac on a mobilephone

Brian Willoughby brianw at sounds.wa.com
Sun Sep 30 14:29:46 PDT 2007

You would need custom firmware for the W800.  Although people have  
been upgrading the firmware on their SE phones, it seems that all the  
firmware comes from Sony.  So far, there seem to be no developers who  
are writing independent firmware for these phones.  You might try the  
Sony Ericsson Developer World, but unless you're willing to learn the  
Symbian OS and do lots of hacking to reverse engineer the existing  
firmware, your only hope is for Sony to add the feature.


It's also entirely likely that the W800 does not have the memory  
bandwidth to read lossless audio from it's larger memory store.  MP3  
will work with slower memory, except for the current buffer, but FLAC  
might be too much for the phone's abilities.

Brian Willoughby
Sound Consulting

On Sep 30, 2007, at 11:30, Fredrik Syversen wrote:

Qestion hvow can i use my SE w800i  to reed flac files from a meorycard

Best regards


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