[Flac] Re: anyone using flac --sector-align?

David W. Tamkin dattier at panix.com
Sat Sep 29 19:45:52 PDT 2007

Dat Head wrote:

> I use it all the time for wav to flac conversions for CDR burning (doesn't
> everybody?!)  or maybe i use it with shntool before encoding to flac,

I'm pretty sure (don't have the code and couldn't read it if I had it) 
that shntool's "fix" module doesn't use flac's --sector-align option but 
has its own routines.  For one thing, shntool can fix .wav files or 
anything else it can processs, and for another, when --sector-align had 
that buffer clearing error a few versions ago, shntool fix didn't 
exhibit it.

So if I'm right about that, Flac Front-End's call to flac --sector-align 
needs it, but shntool (and Trader's Little Helper, which overlays 
shntool) shouldn't be affected if --sector-align is dropped from flac.

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