[flac] re-encode tool win32

Frank Russo russofris at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 27 21:15:06 PDT 2007

Under linux/bash, it would be something like....

cd /MusicDirectory
find . -type f -name "*.flac"  -exec sh -c 'flac -t {} && flac -8V {}' \;

Or to simplify and not test each file before re-encode....

find . -type f -name "*.flac"  -exec flac -8 {} \; -print

Can someone translate this into NTBatch?  Basically, recursive "dir" *.flac files as a nested command into a for loop or something?  I'd hate to suggest someone install cygwin just because I don't remember how to script in dos.  No need for a "GUI" when you can one-line it.


> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 14:50:27 +1200
> From: lists at whitehouse.org.nz
> To: tranzedude at gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [flac] re-encode tool win32
> CC: flac at xiph.org
> > does somebody know a re-encode tool for win32? So it must have a GUI to make
> > a list of FLAC files that need to be re-encoded to a newer flac version and
> > it must automatically re-encode the whole list of files (so like the flac
> > frontend but with re-encode support).
> I wouldn't mind one for Linux, either!
> Aaron
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