[Flac] Re: FLAC: ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 14:39:40 PDT 2007

--- Harry Sack <tranzedude at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2007/7/25, Harry Sack <tranzedude at gmail.com>:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I have downloaded a FLAC file somewhere and when trying to decode
> it to
> > WAV it gives the error message: ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch
> > So my question is now: are FLAC files that give the error message
> above
> > still decodable to WAV (and how can you do this, because flac.exe
> doesn't
> > want to decode the file), even if there is a MD5 signature
> mismatch, or is
> > this not possible at all?

if that is the only error given even when decoded with -F, then
it got all the samples back.  they are also highly likely to be
the same samples that were encoded.  most likely they were encoded
on a machine with bad hardware (bad ram, aggressive overclocking),
less likely is that the file was corrupted or tampered with.

> An additional question: what happens if you re-encode a FLAC file,
> that
> gives the error message 'ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch' while trying
> to
> decode to WAV, to another FLAC file using a later version of the FLAC
> encoder? I tried this and it seems to work, but I'm wondering if the
> audio
> data is still the same in the new file as in the old file?  Or what
> happens
> in the re-encode process when such a input FLAC file is re-encoded to
> another FLAC file?

the audio data is the same, otherwise it is highly likely that you
would get other errors along the way decoding.  the MD5 is just a
hash of the audio data.

whether the audio was corrupted during the original encoding takes
some investigation to figure out.


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