[Flac] FLAC 1.2.0 released

Brad Leblanc brad.leblanc at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 12:03:29 PDT 2007

> Furthermore, there's no upgrade risk, as the API is still compatible.
> FLAC is backwards and forwards compatible.

Just to clarify this - I asked about compatibility for 1.1.4 files a few
months ago and below is the response I got.  Perhaps this needs
clarification?  The middle number has changed.  Will the v1.1.2 build still
decode these new 1.2.0 files?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Graue <graue at oceanbase.org>
Date: May 23, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Flac] 1.1.4 FLAC's in 1.1.2
To: flac at xiph.org, brad.leblanc at gmail.com

"Brad Leblanc" < brad.leblanc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Quick question - if I use 1.1.4 to encode some files and send them to a
> friend who is using 1.1.2 - is it possible he won't be able to decode


I can't find the thing on the FLAC website that
says this, but if I recall right, all versions of
FLAC are forwards-compatible unless the middle
version number changes. So if it was, say, 1.1.4
versus 1.0.1, you might, possibly, have a problem.
Both versions 1.1.x? No compatibility issue.

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