[Flac] Some questions

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Thu Nov 2 03:43:23 PST 2006


I these questions are copied from a forum and perhaps you can help me to
answer them.

I) For some codecs (I think MP3 for example) there was that issue that
you have different sample/frame/whatever lenghts than in raw/wav
encoding, thus if you encode a file to mp3 the lenght is not exact and
some digital silence is added.
Is the same thing the case with flac (thus the original file would be

II) As im using index-based ripping (and want to store my files in like
this) I have some wave files that are very small (e.g. 34 frames only or
even less).

Is it possible at all to have such small flac files?

III) I've read about the CUEsheet feature of flac where you can store
the data of cuesheets (at least indices and so) as searchpoints in flac.
But the format seems to be in milliseconds while in CDDA frames are exact.
Is it (because one would have rounding errors) not adivsable to use this
feature, and store one big flac file with those cue information
transformed into searchpoints in flac?

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