[Flac] tags, having some problems....
Aaron Whitehouse
lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Wed Jun 14 17:06:02 PDT 2006
Hi Richard,
> is there ANY thing for Linux, that can ( RE-tag )
> .flac files, ie: do a lookup on Artist or Title or both,
> and display choices, and the .flac files that it knows,
> correct them to a "display format" : Artist - Song Title.flac
The best thing I have found for all music files are the programs from
http://www.musicbrainz.org as they find the correct info, retag the
file, rename the file however you like it and add a tag with a link to
the track's database entry for easy updating in the future.
There are numerous tools to do just the renaming if you are confident
that all your metadata is perfect.
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