[Flac] tags, having some problems....

Richard cms01 at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Jun 14 11:10:52 PDT 2006

Have a problem with flac tags,...

need to clean up 100's of .flac tags....


(1)_Buff & the Skylights - Wishing You.flac

07 have a great day.flac

^^Love for ever - Muffin Men.flac

As you can see, there are allot of problems,
and I don't have the time to hand tag each .flac file.
is there ANY thing for Linux, that can ( RE-tag )
.flac files, ie: do a lookup on Artist or Title or both,
and display choices, and the .flac files that it knows,
correct them to a "display format" : Artist - Song Title.flac

And correct the reminding tag info, time, gene, rip with..etc.etc.
so, when I look into a folder, I see.... a nice listing of songs,
Artist - Song Title.flac

Big Thanks +++

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