[Flac] Batch Process for wav->flac?

Matthew Greig mgreig1 at lsu.edu
Thu Jun 1 16:55:31 PDT 2006

I have a hard disk full of live shows.  Each show is in an individual folder
(titled by name and date of show), and contains the individual wav files of
the show, labeled "disc1track1, disc1track2, etc."  It's the same naming
scheme in each of the 200 or so folders for each show.


I want to convert each audio file to flac - is there a way to do this all at
once?  I can't just copy and paste each file into the frontend because they
share file names.  What would be ideal is some way to add the folders to a
list, and have it encode any audio files found in each folder.  Thanks!

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