[Flac] Truncating with decoding/recoding

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 31 10:26:57 PST 2005

--- Andre Majorel <aym-calf at teaser.fr> wrote:
> Hello all. Thanks for FLAC. It's served me well for the past few
> years.
> Is there a program out there to truncate a FLAC file without
> decoding/recoding it ? Preferably command-line (I already know at
> what point I want to truncate it).
> Thanks in advance.

I don't know of one.  but it is possible to do and the max
work would be to reencode the new last frame.  I have some
plans for a crude editor but probably won't be ready for a


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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