[Flac] Help me find the string that fits my needs

Eliezer Martinez hermes_vb at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 14 19:08:56 PST 2005

I'm currently using CDex with the string:
  -8 -V -T artist="%a" -T album="%b" -T title="%t" -T date="%y" -T tracknumber="%tn" -T genre="%g" --replay-gain -o "%2" "%1" 
  but I decided I don't need/want ReplayGain since I can't stand how low  (quiet) it plays.  Funny thing is I edited the RG part  (--replay-gain -o "%2" "%1") and I wouldn't encode so I put it back  again. What's the correct string if I just want to encode with the  highest compresion (and quality) w/o RG? I would also like to add the  comment field to the tag.
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