[Flac] RE: new user questions

Tim ht_nut at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 30 06:11:48 PDT 2005

My apologies.  

It was actually a "FLAC Frontend" v 1.7.1 (Speek) question.  When you click
on the radial button next to 'output directory', it always starts at "my

The other question I posted about the Genre list also dealt with this

>Tim said:

>> 2. In the "output directory", is there a way to get it to remember the
last place you output to?

>This is an EAC question, not a flac question. but...

>You're expected to choose somewhere (like d:\flac) and make the filename
contain directories (like %artist%\%album%\%n%-%title%.flac)

>That way you only have to use that dialog once.


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