[Flac] Playback + Replay Gain questions

CE ce7 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jun 18 19:19:09 PDT 2005

	I'm hoping to set up a headless system to playback my audio once I get back home after an extended leave.  Ideally I'd just ssh in and use a curses based player to play back FLACs and mp3s.  This leads me to a few quesitons:
	1.  What is the minimun processor speed needed to decode and play flac files?  I have an old P100 I would like to use for the task if it is sufficient.
	2.  When using replay-gain option is there any way to have it adjust for a whole album or is it strictly computed on a track for track basis?  Furthermore will decoding the FLAC file discard the replay-gain info?
	3.  Does anybody know of a good curses player for flac and mp3?  What about volume differences?  I remember having to boost the preamp setting in xmms quite a bit.  I'd rather not have to fiddle when lifting rocks or shearing sheep or anything.
	Thanks for any assistance!

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